Latest topics
» Watch This Space, more info coming.
by The Lazy Rosarian 21st September 2018, 06:25

» A Rose by any other name ...
by The Lazy Rosarian 17th September 2018, 19:26

» Looking for "St Brigid's Rose"
by The Lazy Rosarian 11th August 2018, 06:50

» And for David while he is away.
by neptune 19th July 2018, 23:57

» Wanting to talk with old roserian friends again, and new roserians friends too !
by rosemeadowtasmania 14th July 2018, 22:54

» Premature Petal dropping- Perth
by rosemeadowtasmania 5th July 2018, 15:27

» Vale: Meryl Constance
by rosemeadowtasmania 5th July 2018, 13:55

» Newbie to roses and forums for that matter!
by Steph 28th June 2018, 09:39

Current date/time is 21st September 2024, 11:29

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Welcome to Rose Talk (RT). The text above is set by the forum's host and cannot be changed.
Following is the terms of use that members must agree to prior to joining and using any of RT's services.
1. Membership is free.
2. We have a minimum involvedment policy for our members. To remain an active member you must:
a. log in at least four times a year.
b. contribute to the forum's community by posting or replying to threads at least four times a year.
Members who have not logged in for 100 days, or have not posted at least four times a year, will be informed that their accounts will be deactivated. Once deactivated the account can be reinstated by the forum's administrators by request of the deactivated member. If there is no response to the deactivation notice the acount will be deleted a month after the deactivation notice was sent. Accounts cannot be reinstated once they are deleted.
3. There is no age limit for posting and junior members are more than welcome.

4. Those new members joining with a free-mail account, such as those from Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail, will be sent a confirmation email requesting they verify their application with a response. The online safety of our members is of paramount importance and many people or organisations who may seek to exploit our members use these free-mail accounts. If, within one week, the new user has not responded to our request for verification the membership application will be deleted without further consultation. The rationale is that real people will reply while bots will not. We apologise for any inconvenience on this matter but also hope that people can understand our stance. If you do not agree with this you can always not agree to our terms of service choose not to sign up.
5. RT has a classifieds section in which members may list items for sale. Conditions apply and are explained within this document.
6. Commercial enterprises MAY join and MAY post in the classifieds section on the provision that they are actively involved in the forum and do not post links to external sites. Links to external commercial and non-commerical websites are only permitted to be displayed in the links forum. NOTE: Commerical enterprises selling roses covered by active PBRs or other such patents must be the owner of said rights and licenses. Rose Talk Australia will not be held responsible for legal action stemming from the illegal sale of plants. Commercial enterprises can become RT supporters and can contact the Administrators to request a dedicated forum be added for the sole purpose of informing RT members of news and events being held by the enterprise. Links and images are permitted in these dedicated forums on the understanding that they will be moderated by the Administration and are subject to our terms of use and may be removed or moderated without consultation if it is felt they are in violation of our terms in any way.
7. Trading live plants, plant products, gardening equipment, and seeds in Australia comes with special responsibilities. Each State has its own quarantine regulations and it is important that people are mindful of each individual State's laws. It is up to the individual to familiarise themselves with these regulations. RT will in no way be held liable for any legal action initiated as a consequence of any member's failure to familiarise themselves with these regulations. Further information can be found in each State's Department of Primary Industries websites.
8. These forums are dedicated to the exchange of information. This is done so freely and in good will. Any advice given on these forums is given without warranty or guarantee and should help you make your decisions but not necessarily determine them. Efforts will be made to ensure the accuracy and veracity of the information posted but it is not subject to any guarantee and RT will not be held responsible for any losses, damage, death, injury or litigation that may occur as a result of advice given by the RT membership.
9. IMPORTANT: In the event the Administrator(s) are contacted to give evidence related to the alleged illegal dealing(s) of a RT member on or through the forum we will co-operate fully and make all of our resources available to the investigating authorities without hesitation or consultation.
10. Discrimination or incrimination of any kind will not be tolerated and those partaking in such exchanges will also be reported to the relevant authorities and have their membership privileges removed.
11. To avoid issues of possible slander, members are asked to refrain from mentioning by name any individual, business or organistion in any way that may possibly damage or restrict their ability to conduct their affairs. RT is moderated by volunteers and every effort will be made on the part of the Administration and its Moderators to remove such posts. We are not, however, online all the time and as such moderation may not occur immediately. If you see anything that you feel contravenes RT's Terms of Use please report it to one of our Administrators or Moderators.
12. Participants are subject to any and all relevant Australian Federal and State laws.
13. Signatures or signoffs are not permitted.
14. To be eligible to post on RT members MUST have at least their State listed in their profile in the location field. Members who don't will be asked to fix this issue and failure to do this will result in the post being removed or membership being suspended until fixed.
15. Rose Talk Australia is dedicated to mentoring and educating junior members. All RT members are required to be mindful of the possible pressence of children. RT is dedicated to the protection of children and will remove anything deemed unsuitable for viewing by children.
16. All Rose Talk members are invited to participate in a rose exchange program and to list roses (only) for sale in the 'Rose Classifieds' forum subject to the following conditions:
A. The exchange, gifting, or sale of privately propagated plants with a current PBR or patent, or propagating material from them, is illegal and not permitted on Rose Talk if you are not the current holder of the title or licensed to carry out such activities. Members are advised to search the Plant Breeders Rights Database at IPAustralia to determine the status of any rose before conducting any exchange, requesting any plants or propagating material, or listing any rose for sale. Rose Talk Australia will not be held responsible for any legal action occuring should this term of use be ignored.

B. The use of a registered trade mark, or other such copyright or license, to sell a rose is not permitted on Rose Talk. Members are advised to search the Trade Mark Database on the IPAustralia website to dertmine the status of any rose before listing them for sale. NOTE: A trade mark and a PBR are separate titles and the non-existence of a PBR does not necessarily mean the non-existence of a trade mark and it is the sole responsibility of RT members to determine the status of each.

C. Members may list roses in their possession in the 'Rose Keepers Database' regardless of their PBR or trade mark status.
D. You may sell a rose that you had previously bought from a licensed propagtor or distributor but you must include the original label as evidence of the legal purchase of the plant. In such cases, once sold the PBR is exhausted, however, plants propagated from it or propagating material from it, are still protected if the PBR is current.
NOTE: The term propagation does not include the process of hybridising and as such does not extend to include pollen from any rose.
17. If you do not understand any part of these terms of use please do NOT click on 'I agree to these terms' and contact the Administrator for clarification.
15. Our Terms of Use may change from time to time to address specific needs. These changes will be announced, however, it is up to RT members to familiarise themselves with these terms to keep up-to-date.

Please enjoy your stay and afford the same level of respect to other patrons that you expect to be given yourself.
Yours sincerely,

Simon Voorwinde - RT Administrator